Papua New Guinea, Purosa A
$ 20.00

Papua New Guinea
Purosa and Okapa Valley AX

Single Origin Coffee

Notes: Jasmine, Caramel, Dutch Cocoa, Bakers Spice

Roast: Medium (Full City)

Varietal: Bourbon, Typica Hybrids

Elevation: 600 - 1500m

Process: Washed 

Farmer: Highlands Organic Agricultural Cooperative

Our Fair-Trade certified Purosa A is grown by a cooperative of farmers in the eastern, volcanic highlands of Papua New Guinea at a remarkable altitude of 1800 - 2000m. It is Fair Trade certified and has been a staple here at our roastery for a number of years. In the cup it has a pronounced floral quality and a nice spiciness as well as a distinct, rustic character but is also smooth and well-rounded. There are also strong hints of caramel, and cocoa on the finish.

Many small farmers of specialty grade arabica varietals contribute to the production, working with the Highlands Organic Agricultural Cooperative for washing and milling operations. It’s a unique coffee from the Pacific, being fully washed rather than semi-washed or “wethulled” as is traditional of the more earthy Sulawesi and Sumatra offerings. The difference is a significantly brighter and more complex cup.

The Purosa A is comprised of blue mountain, arusha and kent varietals. Blue mountain varietal coffee is most commonly associated with another island nation, that of Jamaica. While Jamaican Blue Mountain coffee is renowned for its high quality, mild acidity and consistent cups it is equally known for being outrageously expensive, and a classic example of demand exceeding supply. Not only are the same blue mountain varietals being grown here in Papua New Guinea, we think it produces a superior coffee as well.

Wine Comparison: Old World wine lovers can get excited – this is a win for those who love Northern and Southern Rhone red wines, and cooler climate Zinfandel and Primitivo as well. There is a lot going on here, and the bright acids mean it would be bad of me not to give a heads up to the Barbera and Red Burgundy lovers out there. - Sam Hovland

Papua New Guinea Purosa A Single Origin Specialty Coffee

Papua New Guinea Purosa A Single Origin Specialty Coffee

Papua New Guinea Specialty Grade Coffee from Picacho Coffee Roasters